Category : Newspapers

Written on Feb, 05, 2012 by in ,

Source: Even with the push for new ways of delivering news, publishers of Toronto’s four dailies and three freebies are confident the demand for the newsprint copy won’t disappear, despite dire predictions of its impending death. “I feel very optimistic about the long term for our news organizations … the best of times are ahead for the best of brands,” …

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Source: For at least a decade, newspaper publishers have been looking to the huge potential growth offered by digital advertising revenues — but now, 10 years on, digital revenues still make up a relatively small part of the business. Worse, slow growth in digital advertising means it’s unable to offset the precipitous, ongoing decline in print revenues…….Read entire story …

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Source: theglobeandmail read entire story here Paul Godfrey escorted directors of Postmedia Network Canada Corp. (PNC.A-T10.00—-%) on a tour of the Calgary Herald earlier this year to showcase the struggling newspaper company’s digital future. The Postmedia chief executive officer presented a remodelled newsroom where teams juggled written and visual content for the Herald’s websites, social media platforms such as Twitter and …

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Written on Aug, 31, 2011 by in , , | Leave a comment

Source: read entire story here

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Written on Aug, 29, 2011 by in | Leave a comment

Source: read entire story here

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Source: Investors seeking growth have eschewed, quite rightly, the beleaguered newspaper publishing industry, as its members have recently been offering declining top lines. Value-oriented investors with an eye for meaty profit margins and chunky cash flow, however, have kept newspaper stocks in their sights……. read entire story        

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Source: – By David J. Climenhaga This post also appears on “The Press” … back in the day when the Edmonton Journal was a great newspaper. Below: soon-to-be Journal managing editor Stephanie Coombs, former Journal publisher Linda Hughes, Colonist founder Amor de Cosmos. Just when it didn’t seem like another drop of blood was left to squeeze from its …

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Source: Virtually all newspapers have websites that look good and have great functionality. So why aren’t they all producing acceptable amounts of profit? The question probably should be asked differently, “What do consumers and advertisers expect from newspapers?” Then ask, “What do they expect from the Internet?” The answers are different, but there is overlap. The area of overlap …

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But industry must adapt to digital world Newspapers won’t disappear: Postmedia president.

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Written on Mar, 31, 2011 by in , | Leave a comment

Source: The latest readership data from NADbank shows that newspapers’ print editions are still the most popular way to read them, staving off digital media’s quest for dominance, for now. NADbank’s 2010 newspaper readership report shows that while migration to newspaper websites is still happening, readers continue to use print editions as their primary source for news. According to …

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