Monthly Archives: February 2012

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Written on Feb, 22, 2012 by in , | Leave a comment

Source: Newsroom employees at The Chronicle Herald in Halifax today voted 94.6 per cent in favour of ratifying a new contract. The four-year agreement includes annual wage increases of two per cent for the 84-member bargaining unit of the Halifax Typographical Union. “I think this agreement is fair and reasonable and, from today’s ratification vote, it is clear the …

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Written on Feb, 14, 2012 by in , | Leave a comment

Source: A tentative agreement on a new contract for newsroom workers at The Chronicle Herald has been reached after the union bargaining team was armed with a strong strike mandate. Negotiators for the Halifax Typographical Union (HTU) are “happy with the agreement and will be recommending it to our members,” says president Stephen Forest. He expects a ratification vote to be held …

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Source: Between 2011 and 2015, revenue from digital advertising in the United States is expected to grow by 40% and to overtake all other platforms by 2016. Yet how much of that growth will go to underwrite news remains in doubt and throws into question the financial future of journalism as audience continue to migrate online. What will happen pivots …

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Written on Feb, 05, 2012 by in ,

Source: Even with the push for new ways of delivering news, publishers of Toronto’s four dailies and three freebies are confident the demand for the newsprint copy won’t disappear, despite dire predictions of its impending death. “I feel very optimistic about the long term for our news organizations … the best of times are ahead for the best of brands,” …

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Written on Feb, 04, 2012 by in | Leave a comment

Unionized newsroom employees at The Chronicle Herald have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action, if necessary, in their contract talks with company. At a strike vote held Saturday, Feb. 4 more than 96 per cent delivered the mandate to their bargaining committee. Among the key issues, the union is opposing the company’s attempts to pay starting reporters and photographers …

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Written on Feb, 01, 2012 by in | Leave a comment

Source: OTTAWA—A Canadian union is going to court in an effort to compel the federal government to rule whether the recently created Postmedia newspaper group meets Canadian ownership standards and is in Canada’s national interest. The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP) has asked the …………….Read story here    

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