Monthly Archives: January 2018

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Written on Jan, 25, 2018 by in , | Leave a comment

Source: Jan. 19, 2018 – The results are in: Newsroom employees at the Los Angeles Times voted 248-44 to join The NewsGuild-CWA, ending 136 years of unfettered rule by management. Those voting in favor of the union captured 85 percent of the vote. Reporters, copy editors, graphic artists and photographers who organized the union drive were elated. “Today we made history,” …

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Dear Local President, I am pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the John Belcarz / Dan Zeidler post-secondary education/training memorial scholarships. Two scholarships of $1,000 each are available. The accompanying attachments contain a poster and application form in English and French (also available on our website: Please circulate this information to your members. In solidarity, …

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