Category : Newspapers

Written on Oct, 18, 2010 by in , , | Leave a comment

Peter Preston The Observer, Sunday 17 October 2010 There is no clear correlation between a rise in internet traffic and a fall in newspaper circulation. Some papers are growing in both formats, others are succeeding in neither, according to new research. The woe, as usual, is more or less unconfined. September’s daily newspaper circulation figures, as audited by ABC, are …

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Written on Sep, 14, 2010 by in , , | Leave a comment

Print newspapers and radio are still slipping as sources but U.S. adults are spending more time with news these days when the internet and traditional platforms are combined. The amount of time spent on traditional platforms hasn’t shifted from 57 minutes a day since 2000. Add 13 minutes for internet access and U.S. adults are spending 70 minutes a day …

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